Tuesday, February 15, 2011

pink and green can be felt more than seen

think this, cuddle this, do this, wear this, wear this, live here, wear this, ride this, etc etc

beautiful positive: Natalie Perkins,  Amniotic plush: http://www.jeremydower.com/

Marni, balloon leggings: http://www.swash.co.uk/, necklace: http://www.shopbop.com/; morroccan bedroom (i think this pic came from http://decor8blog.com); Blue ice feather amulet necklace: http://www.etsy.com/shop/dianepaganpoetry/

bike: Leslie Thompson photography, via www.lushlee.com; bracelet and necklace: http://www.anthropologie.com; Avenue picture, and hair pic (below right): http://www.thecherryblossomgirl.com/; belted whimsy: Nookie via: http://www.avalonandjessica.com/; black kitty via: http://modenchantee.over-blog.com/,

Friday, February 11, 2011


On Monday I am starting a shoe design course, and I'm super excited!
There's so many shoes I am ready to create.
paciotti, kirkwood, campbell, skovgaard, acne, balenciaga - thanks for all your inspiration over the past couple of years.

Monday, February 7, 2011


We just had a lovely weekend in Melbourne. Had to leave the bubba at home at the last minute, so it turned into a romantic walking tour of the city. There's so much great art hidden in the little lane ways. 'Ava look below:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sia, I love you!

I love your sound. Every time I hear it it reaches inside and grabs at something. A heart string perhaps? Not sure, but it can make me smiley and it can make me teary, all at once.
Love the sound and the general kookiness.